Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

Effectively Remove Skin Tags Forever

Skin tags are soft, flesh-colored growths that protrude out from the skin. Although skin tags need no medical attention, as they are usually benign, they are more bothersome because of cosmetic reasons. In addition, clothing can cause irritation.

Skin tags usually appear in mid-life, around the eyes, on the neck, and under the arms. They can be easily removed by your physician. The common procedures used at the doctors office are: tying them off to stop the blood flow, thus causing the skin tag to drop off, snipping or cutting the skin tag off at the base, lastly your physician may freeze it, much like you would a wart. However, because removing skin tags is considered a cosmetic procedure, chances are your health insurance will not pay for any of the above procedures.

The removal of skin tags can be easily done at home using the same procedure as your physician would. The “tying it off” procedure is probably the safest however it requires 5 to 7 days for the skin tag to fall off. The tying off method eliminates the blood supply and therefore the skin tag falls off.

The second procedure entails freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen. There are many products on the markets for removal of warts and skin tags using liquid nitrogen to freeze them off. However, because the store bought products are not that potent, they should only be used for small skin tags.

The last method of snipping or cutting them off sounds painful however it feels much like a pinch. This is the fastest remedy to remove skin tags. Care should be taken when using this procedure. Clippers should be sterilized and you should expect some bleeding. The simplest method to sterilize your clippers is directly over a fire. Be sure to let the clippers cool before using! Cut or snip the skin tag right at the base.

All of the remedies listed above are effective for removing skin tags however, there are instances where you may want the advise of a doctor. If the skin tag shows signs of changing size or color over time it could be malignant. Much like you would watch a mole or wart for changes, so it would go with skin tags. In addition, no matter what home remedy you use above; be sure to sterilize all equipment.

Author Resource:- Carol Belanger, author of 300+ Skin Care Recipes

For more wonderful skin care recipes and products, visit Skin Care Therapy

Article From Article Health And Fitness

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