Rabu, 05 Maret 2008

Viruses and Trojan Horses

Our generation is among the most fortunate in history. We have seen so many unimaginable technological advances in our time, including the Internet. No one could have imagined, fifty years ago or so, that we would be able to sit at a desk, look into a monitor and have so much information readily available at our fingertips. Likewise, no one could have imagined the new breed of criminal activity, such as identity theft, that would arise from this vast array of accessible knowledge.

Some sociologists, anthropologists and psychologists can point to studies that claim that it is human nature to develop new criminal activities. We have much historical evidence of these claims, although most of us will go throughout life without the desire to scam or con others out of personal information. It is no wonder, however, that 21st century criminals have found a whole new playing field for their fun. Viruses and Trojan horses are among the top computer and Internet security issues of our day.

Although most of us use the terms “virus” and “Trojan horses” as substitutable terms, they are, in fact, different concepts and problems. Because they are similar in nature, it is understandable how most average computer users would use them interchangeably. It is, however, important for all of us to have a basic working knowledge of the difference of the two so that we might be more prepared to protect our computers and ourselves from their damaging effects. As they say, knowledge is power, and the more you know, the better prepared you can be.

A computer virus is a malicious file that hides within your computer’s files. You can get a virus from opening any program on your computer. They are particularly easy to contract if you open a program such as a word processing document; the chances of getting a virus are even greater when you have enabled macros for the document. A computer virus, like a virus in humans, can lie dormant for a period of time until disturbed. Once a virus has been activated, it can attach itself to any or all files on your computer. You may unwittingly and unknowingly pass the virus on to friends, family, clients or coworkers through email attachments. It is even easier to pass on a virus if you or your recipients do not use the services of an anti-virus software program.

Trojan horses are similar, yet different, to computer viruses. A Trojan horse will disguise itself as another program on your computer. This “program” will, however, contain a malicious code that can open up a whole new set of dangers. One of the most popular Trojan horse methods is to install a disguised program on your computer that looks harmless and may appear similar to a popular program; you would probably not think twice about it’s presence in your files. The Trojan horse may open up a “back door” to your computer and files that will allow hackers to gain access to your sensitive and personal information. Trojan horses differ greatly from computer viruses because they do not attach themselves to your outgoing files and are not as easily “spread” as a computer virus.

You can take many steps to ensure your computer’s safety from computer viruses and Trojan horses. One of the first, and most critical steps, is to have a modern and constantly updated anti-virus software program on your computer. These anti-virus software programs can scan all incoming and outgoing files to make sure they are clean and free from any viruses. An outdated anti-virus program may leave you vulnerable to the ever-changing viruses that circulate the Internet. You can also use the anti-virus software program to scan other files on your computer periodically to make sure you will not infect anyone else’s computer system. It is ultimately the responsibility and duty of every computer user to make sure their system is up-to-date and free from virus attacks. Be careful when downloading files from the Internet and make sure you know where the file is coming from. You can take simple steps to keep yourself free from the dangers that are seemingly abounding on the Internet; by taking these steps, you can save yourself much frustration in the future.

Source: www.securitytutorial.com

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