Rabu, 05 Maret 2008

Calorie Shifting Diet - The Latest Fad?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one of the best selling online diets today. Everywhere people talk about the so called calorie shifting diet and all of its advantages, but what is it and what do you get when you buy Fat Loss 4 Idiots?

First of all I'll give you a quick introduction to calorie shifting and the theory behind it; Calorie shifting is just what it sounds like, you shift calories or more correct you shift the type of calories. This leads to an increased production of fat burning hormones because once your body believes that your health are at risk it will start pumping out energy and this energy comes from the fat you have stored in all the wrong places. At the same time the diet will lower the insulin level which means that a lesser amount of new dietary fats will be stored.

The equation above has a negative answer and that is positive. You will use up lots of energy but you put in less and that mean fat reduction.

Ok, so what do you get when you order Fat Loss 4 Idiots?

Basically you get the menu generator. It is an online application where you get a list of 60 different kinds of foods and you should chose between 15 - 30 foods you like and the menu that isgenerated is based on your selection. This makes the diet easy to stick with since you don't have to eat a full meal of cottage cheese. Another feature of this diet is the bonus days, every part o the diet lasts for eleven days and then you get three bonus days where you get to eat pretty much what you want to. So if you are looking forward to a great burger-meal or something eat this during the bonus period.

When you order this diet you get the option to buy an add-on called 'Beyond Calories' which basically is another diet that is easy to follow and doesn't starve you. In the original calorie shifting diet you get to eat 4 times per day. Every meal should leave you just short of full. In 'Beyond Calories' you eat six times per day and shift calories like you do in the basic program but in a more powerful way.

Personally, I believe that Fat Loss 4 Idiots has a great diet and a healthy approach and that most people are likely to succeed with this diet. However there is a bit too little information about the theory of the diet and the site offers no support at all which I think is a bad thing. Also, always remember that it isn't the diet alone that make you lose weight it is mostly yourself! If you are determined to lose weight and want a good diet, you probably have found what you are looking for.
Author Resource:- Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and learned easy ways to change routines and habits to keep weight.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of calorie shifting, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of diets and books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style.

If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

Article From Article Health And Fitness

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